Modern Building Blocks: Blocks 2-6
Block #2 is just as massive as the first one, and equally fun to put together. This has made me think of all sorts of three color quilt ideas. It’s also a perfect candidate for a baby quilt re-make.
Block #3 gave me a bit of trouble. As you may have heard, or seen, the pattern that comes with this quilt only includes cutting directions, with no guidelines for the piecing. The cutting instructions are also a bit nontraditional, as all HSTs and flying geese are made by piecing triangles together. Lots of bias makes things tricky.
So after cutting up all my little white and orange squares on the diagonal, I just went ahead and started on the center of the block, turning the triangles into half square triangles. While I was at it, I decided to be “efficient” and go ahead and sew all of the HSTs for the entire block. Yeah…..that wasn’t right. The orange and white triangles make up HSTS on the corner squares of the center section (hopefully that makes sense), but they are NOT half square triangles for the remainder of the block. Those little buggers get sewn together on the short side, making up a quarter of the larger section (as in R2C3). My seam ripper and I spent some quality time on this block. Thankfully, it eventually worked itself out!
Block #4 made me want to make a whole quilt out of that purpley-magenta solid. Yum.
Block #5: Now I’m getting a bit sick of this green color. Thankfully the order of these blocks is dependent on block size, not placement in the quilt. That green should be evenly dispersed. Bring on more purple!
Block #6: Last but not least, this little block is a perfect little bit of sunshine on this rainy day. I appreciate the lack of bias edges. The more quilts I make, the more I like right angles – both in the design and construction phases.
I’ve been told there are some errors in the pattern for blocks 7 and 8, so I’ll be doing some reworking this week. I’ll be sure to post corrections here in case you’re making the same quilt.
Have a wonderful week of quilting, friends!