Design Wall and 2012 Craftsy BOM
I followed Elizabeth Hartman’s design from her “Oh, Fransson!” blog: I highly recommend checking it out – her instructions are great.
I decided to “go big” and bought two 4×8 foot boards of insulation to make a very large design wall wrapped in queen size ‘warm and white’ batting.
For the first few days, the design wall looked and worked superbly. However, after a few days the boards started to majorly warp causing all sorts of problems. I looked back into Elizabeth’s instructions and I had used a 1″ thick board as she has said, and had followed all the construction techniques to the best of my ability. It looks like I will have to find a better material for next time, but for now, I have two of our dinner chair holding up the board.
Despite the lack of structural integrity, the design wall works perfectly to hold my quilt blocks, letting me rearrange their order to my heart’s content.
I have just finished all of my blocks from Amy Gibson’s 2012 Craftsy BOM (I know, I know, I’m a few months late). The design wall has really helped me figure out the best layout for the final quilt.
What do you think? Next step: Follow Leah Day’s Craftsy Class to free motion quilt the project. I’m so excited!