Arcadia: Another finish!
A year ago, almost to the day, I finished the top for this fun and modern Arcadia quilt. Then it sat on my shelf, got boxed up and moved to Texas, where it sat on my shelf again, then repeat (box, move to Arizona, shelf) until….it was finished!
I owe all of that to Stephanie, the Late Night Quilter, who kindly quilted it for me. She has recently purchased a long arm machine and was looking for tops she could practice on…for free! Ummm..yeah. I jumped on that opportunity.
She may be a newbie but she did an excellent job!
Stephanie wanted to practice an all over pattern, so I asked her to do something similar to interlocking boxes. I think it shows up really well on the back. It turned out so cute!
It’s a fairly large-scale design so the quilt is nice and soft and snuggly. You bet this one is being used!
Thank you for your beautiful work, Stephanie. I love it!